Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Starting with Wilmo

Hello there lovely citizens of the internets! My name is Miranda and I am a vegan. I live in Wilmington, Delaware, a veritable vegan food "desert". If my husband and I want a nice vegan meal, we mostly have to travel to other cities to get one. The aim of this blog is to not only make it easier for you to find a decent vegan meal, but also to raise awareness of the ever-increasing popularity of veganism, so that restaurant owners start to take notice and to begin making changes and accommodations to their menus.

I'll be starting out reporting from here in my hometown and eventually spreading out to the Mid-Atlantic region (then nationwide, then the WORLD :D). I plan to cover every local restaurant to find out the skinny on what items on their menu are vegan, how "vegan-friendlly" they are, whether or not cooking equipment is shared with non-plant-based foods, and the like.  I will also, from time-to-time, provide coverage on grocery stores, to let you know who carries which vegan items, and at what prices.

So, all that being said...sit back, relax, and allow me to so the heavy lifting. You just go on out and eat.



P.S. Feedback encouraged and appreciated! mirbrewer AT gmail.

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